Hand-drawn portrait of your house, with A “gentle twist to perspective”. You receive the framed original portrait, together with a scanned and digitised copy, for printing on greeting-cards, and stationery
This original art piece could be a heart-warming and special gift to give yourself or a loved ones.

Using Eli’s art technique of a “Gentle Twist to Perspective”, and “Artistic License” results in a portrait with unique character that brings out the beauty and significance of your home.”

To create my portraits, I hand-draw them in freestyle using pen and soft pencil on card paper. No rulers or projection methods are used. I work from photos in my studio. I prefer to visit the house and take the photos myself if possible, if its too far or in another country then I work from photos that people send me.
Portrait sizes are A1, A2 and A3.

Once the portraits are complete, I scan them in high definition, then clean them up in photoshop, and save them as a high resolution images. These images can then be used to print on stationery and on greeting cards.

Placemats, Coasters & Stationary
Home Portraits 4U